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Nature Exploration

Discover STEAM Inc, has a variety of Nature Exploration Opportunities  which include  Family Outing events, Nature camps, The Kid's STEMology Club workshops, and partnership programs with Croydon Creek Nature Center.


Featured above are Family  and Girl Scout outings led by our popular volunteer, Warren Black. Warren is a retired Biologist, naturalist and forager. These outings always include nature walks and an exploration and discussion of specific plants, which includes the history of their uses and some biological facts. We get to smell wild herbs and eat Beefsteak Mint and Paw Paws. Sometimes we crack open wild nuts and catch river animals with nets.


This summer, 2024, we ran two, 1-week long, camps at the Croydon Creek Nature Center. In one camp the campers do Engineering with applications to nature and in the other camp participants become Scientists exploring nature. We also ran 2 hr/day, week-long mini Nature camps for young learners PreK to 2nd grade. In these mini camps, young campers will explored local parks and streams, made a field journal, examined specimens under the microscope,  learned about local wild live, conservation and ecology.


In The Kid's STEMology Club, we offer a variety of workshops and course modules that involve going outside and studying nature. Some of our nature exploration topics include examining local microscopic aquatic life, a comparison of plants and animals, pollen and its use in archeology, insects, soil and water testing, building circuits that use solar panels, field journals, and much more.


Visit our Current Workshops & Courses page.

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